Instagram Growth Guide for eCommerce Businesses

Instagram Growth Guide for eCommerce Businesses

If you’re trying to reach people for your eCommerce business, Instagram is a great place to start. With over one billion active monthly users, Instagram can help you grow your business to new heights. Almost everyone uses social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. That’s why businesses often have social media accounts, too.

Successful Instagram eCommerce requires work but if you put in the time in creating helpful, organic content for your potential clients, you’ll reap the benefits in new sales. 

While Instagram is an awesome tool, it can be overwhelming. Here’s a quick eCommerce growth guide to help you get on your feet on Instagram.

Why Instagram is Important for Your eCommerce Business

Instagram differs from other social media, like Facebook or Twitter, because its content revolves around images and videos. When you use Instagram, advertising feels congruent with the rest of the platform because all the content contains images. Plus, Instagram shopping is on the rise. With almost 11% of users shopping on Instagram, a good chunk of people are headed to the platform just to make purchases.

The other great thing about Instagram is that even if people don’t have the intent to shop, they might purchase your product anyway, especially if you utilize Instagram Stories for instant connection. About 62% of people say that they purchased an item after seeing it in Stories, with a simple shoppable sticker featured front and center. Gone are the days of swiping up being available to the influencers with tens of thousands of followers – now, everyone has the ability to link to specific websites, or products.

In short, creating content on Instagram introduces people to your business who may never have found it otherwise.

Have High-Quality Images, Videos, and Copy

With all the Instagram content out there, it’s crucial to have high-quality images, videos, and copy for your business to stand out. If your images and videos don’t look good, people aren’t going to buy your product. 

Here are a few quick tips to create high-quality images, videos, and copies.

  • To ensure your images maintain the highest quality, always use the most recent version of the Instagram app.
  • Upload photos with aspect ratios between 1.91:1 and 4:5. Double-check that the photo’s width for pixels is between 320 and 1080. 
  • Use consistent visuals for your brand. Pick a color scheme that you like and stick with it. Your audience will then associate you and your brand with this color calling card. 
  • Create Instagram Reels and Stories to showcase your products via video. IGTV and Reels can open up your audience and drive more sales than just a picture post. Be sure to tag your products in the video to make it easy for your buyers to click and purchase.
  • Write product descriptions that appeal to your audience. Including emojis is a great way to make your copy stand out and make your audience smile, enticing them to click for your product.

You can advertise all you want to encourage people to click on your profile, but if they don’t find high-quality images, entertaining videos, or well-written product copy when they get there, they may not buy anything.

Optimize Your Profile to Appeal to Your Target Audience

To attract new followers to grow your Instagram eCommerce, you’ll need to optimize your profile to appeal to your target audience. Lucky for you, Instagram has tons of easy features that can help people find your profile and products.

Hashtags are an Instagram search feature that help people find the content they’re looking for. In the search bar, anyone can use a hashtag to search for a specific subject. For example, if you’re selling sandals, you would want to look up the hashtags related to sandals and use them in your posts. 

Along with hashtags, utilize your bio URL to make it easy for buyers to figure out how to purchase your products on your eCommerce profile. Use a link in bio tool to create a custom landing page from your most recent posts with content you want people to be able to click on and purchase. If that’s too much, you can also just have a link in the bio that takes buyers to a list of all the different sites people can find your product.

With interesting, engaging content and an optimized profile to your target audience with hashtags and the right bio URL, you can continually drive new Instagram users to your site.

Engage with your Audience

The personal connection you can build with a community makes social perfect for both advertising your product and building trust. So if you want to use Instagram to grow your eCommerce, you need to engage with your audience.

Do this by commenting on their posts, responding to stories, liking when they comment on your posts, and responding to any direct messages you receive. Be sure to also engage with hashtags you are using on your own posts. When you respond to a question or address a concern your client has for a potential product, you are gaining their trust.

There are a lot of spam companies that sell cheap products on Instagram. If you gain the trust of your buyers, they will share your content and tell their friends about you, bringing more traffic and clients to your page.

Run Ads that Direct Followers to Your Profile

If you’ve done all the steps above but are still struggling with Instagram eCommerce growth, or if you have the extra money and want to get the word about your product faster,  it’s time for you to run an Instagram ad. An ad shows people where to find your engaging, original content that helps them trust your brand.

You can choose any post you’ve already created to turn it into an ad. The cost of your ad depends on the following criteria:

  • How many people you are targeting
  • The time of year (it’s gonna be more expensive to advertise during Black Friday!)
  • The placement of your ad

Instagram allows you to create an ad that works for your budget. With Instagram’s option to boost an already created post into an ad or use their ad manager for more advanced campaigns, you can quickly get an ad up and running that will direct more followers to your exciting content. 

N2Q Can Grow Your Instagram eCommerce

Instagram is the place to be to grow your eCommerce. But growing followers and creating organic content to drive Instagram eCommerce takes time, so don’t give up. If you work at it, you’ll see results.

But if you want to see those results quicker, consider partnering with the social media gurus at N2Q to bolster your social media reach. Contact the N2Q experts today to see how we can build your Instagram eCommerce for you, so all you have to worry about is your bottom line


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